My customers are so great and tend to think of me when clearing out their furniture.
A sweet lady bought the coral chair from me and loved it, a little while later she asked me if I were interested in this coffee table she no longer needed.
So here is the table before. She is solid wood and such a cute shape with the barn door sides.
She just needed a little love.

On the top I painted a paris decal to add some vintage character (and possibly because I have an addiction with the idea of paris even though we'll probably never afford a trip there).
One of my favorite parts of redoing furniture is seeing the excitement on the customers faces when they come to pick up a piece they have bought. The lucky lady that purchased this one brought her 3 year old daughter and when the little girl saw it she said "YAY, but we need chairs!" After some discussion about sitting on cushions we (the little 3 year old and I) determined this would be a great table for tea parties!
I love to see a happy customer, even if they are just a toddler!
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